Past and upcoming workshops of the Bayes Methods working group
- Workshop "Probabilistic risk analysis and Bayesian decision theory"
Joint workshop of IBS-DR working groups "Ecology and Environmen", "Bayes methods" and "Spatial Statistics", as well as the DVFFA working group "Biometry"
Lübeck, September 24-26, 2025 - Workshop "Hierarchical models in preclinical research"
Joint workshop of IBS-DR working groups "Non-clinical statistics" and "Bayes methods"
Göttingen, December 5-6, 2024 - 2024 FreisingWorkshop "Bayesian additive regression trees"
Joint workshop of IBS-DR working groups "Ecology and Environment", "Bayes methods" and "Spatial Statistics" as well as the DVFFA working group "Biometry"
Freising, April 24-26, 2024 - Workshop "Design of experiments under uncertainty"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes methods"
Ingelheim, December 8-9, 2022 - Workshop "Extremes"
Joint workshop of IBS-DR working groups "Ecology and Environment", "Bayes methods" and "Spatial Statistics" as well as the DVFFA working group "Biometry"
Hannover, December 2-3, 2021 - Workshop "Copulas"
Online workshop of the working group "Bayes methods"
December 04, 2020 - Workshop "Long-run behaviour of Bayesian procedures"
Online workshop of the working group "Bayes methods"
September 16, 2020 - Workshop "Uncertainty of measurement in Bayesian and spatial statistics for environmental and epidemiological research"
Joint workshop of IBS-DR working groups "Bayes methods", "Ecology and Environment" and "Spatial Statistics" as well as the DVFFA working group "Biometry"
Erlangen, March 12-13, 2020 - Workshop "Bayesian methods in the development and assessment of new therapies"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods"
Göttingen, December 6-7, 2018 - Workshop "Bayesian methods in distance sampling and spatial models"
Joint workshop of IBS-DR working groups "Bayes methods", "Ecology and Environment" and "Spatial Statistics" as well as the DVFFA working group "Biometry"
Hannover, December 7-8, 2017 - Two-day course on Bayesian Clinical Trials
Joint workshop of Ulm University, Institute of Statistics and the IBS-DR working groups "Bayes methods" and "Pharmaceutical research"
Ulm, October 4-5, 2017 - Workshop "Errors in variables"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods"
Mainz, December 2, 2016 - Workshop
Joint workshop of the working groups "Ecology and Environment", "Bayes Methods" and "Spatial Statistics" as well as the DVFFA working group "Biometry"
Würzburg, October 7-9, 2015 - Workshop "Algorithms for Bayesian inference for complex problems"
Joint workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods" and the SFB 876
Dortmund, December 5, 2014 - Biometry workshop
Joint workshop of the working groups "Ecology and Environment", "Bayes Methods" and "Spatial Statistics" as well as the Unit Forest Biometrics of the German Association of Forest Research Stations (DVFFA)
Freising, November 6-8, 2013 - Workshop
Joint workshop of the working groups "Bayes Methods", "Ecology and Environment" and "Spatial Statistics"
Lübeck, December 3-5, 2009 - Tutorial "Bayesianische Statistik für Einsteiger"
Essen, September 9, 2009 - Workshop "Software für den Bayes-Ansatz"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods"
Mainz, December 12, 2008 - Workshop
Joint workshop of the working groups "Bayes Methods", "Spatial Statistics" and "Ecology and Environment"
Schloss Reisensburg, September 27-29, 2007 - Workshop "Markov chain Monte Carlo - Methoden und Anwendungen"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods"
Mainz, December 1, 2006 - Workshop
Joint workshop of the working groups "Bayes Methods", "Spatial Statistics" and "Ecology and Environment"
Hannover, November 24-25, 2005 - Workshop "Missing values"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods"
Köln, December 3, 2004 - Workshop "Statistical methods in evidence-based medicine and health technology assessment"
Joint workshop of the working groups "Bayes Methods", "Statistical Methods in Medicine", three working groups of the GMDS, as well as the German Cochrane Centre
Freiburg, November 20-21, 2003 - Workshop "Markov chain Monte Carlo in Theorie und Praxis"
Workshop of the working group "Bayes Methods"
Leipzig, December 6, 2002 - Workshop "Projektplanung und Entscheidungsfindung unter Ungewissheit"
Heidelberg, March 8, 2002 - Tutorial "Hierarchical models and MCMC methods"
Homburg/Saar, March 19, 2001