Workshop "Open Replicable Research"

Am 5. und 6. Oktober fand der Workshop der AG "Ethik und Verantwortung" der IBS-DR in München zum Thema "Open Replicable Research" statt.
Der Workshop wird ausgerichtet von der AG "Ethik und Verantwortung" der IBS-DR in Kooperation mit dem Open Science Center der LMU, dem IBE und dem Institut für Statistik.
5. Oktober:
Pre-Workshop talk:
10:00 Kim Luijken (University Medical Center Utrecht) - Replicability of Simulation Studies for the Investigation of Statistical Methods: The RepliSims Project
Data Sharing
14:00 Sabine Hoffmann & Michael Lauseker – Eröffnung des Workshops
14:05 Stefan Buchka (LMU Munich) - Distributed analysis of routine data with DataSHIELD: implementation and statistical disclosure control
14:30 Michael Kammer (MedUni Vienna) - An overview of R software tools to support data generation
14:55 Raphael Rehms (LMU Munich) - A Bayesian viewpoint on privacy-preserving data analysis
15:20 Kaffeepause
15:45 Urs Heilbronner (Klinikum der LMU München) - Data Sharing in the PsyCourse Study: A Practical Approach
16:10 Christina Sauer (LMU Munich) - Multiplicity of design and analysis options in benchmark studies based on real data: An illustration
16:35 Kaffeepause
17:00 Ulrich Mansmann (LMU Munich) - What do we know about the quality of data which we use?
17:25 Ioana Cristea (University of Padua) - Implementation of data sharing in clinical research: tractable and intractable problems
19:00 Abendessen im Restaurant “Quattro Mori” (Heiglhofstr. 3)
6. Oktober:
Replicable and Reproducible Research
09:00 Ulrich Dirnagl (Charité Berlin) - Can statistics save preclinical research?
09:50 Theresa Ullman (MedUni Vienna) - Over-optimism in the evaluation of clustering results and novel cluster algorithms
10:15 Kaffeepause
10:40 Heidi Seibold (IGDORE) - Training for Open Science and Reproducible Research
11:05 Jonas Hagenberg / Vera Karlbauer (MPI of Psychiatry) - The CodeClub at the MPI of Psychiatry – better code and better reproducibility
11:30 Roman Hornung (LMU Munich) - Simple tips for writing and publishing clear code to ensure reproducible results
11:55 Kaffeepause
12:20 Kim Luijken (University Medical Center Utrecht) – Gaining insight into researcher's degrees of freedom
12:45 Meeting of the „AG Ethik und Verantwortung“ of the IBS-DR
13:15 Ende des Workshops