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Workshop: Missing values

Köln, December 03, 2004

(Omnicare Clinical Research GmbH & Co. KG, Max-Planck-Straße 37, Köln-Marsdorf)


09:05-10:35C. Heumann (Universität München): Non-ignorable missing responses in GLMMs[abstract] [slides]
10:35-12:05I. White (MRC Cambridge): Eliciting and using expert opinions about informatively missing outcomes[abstract] [slides]
13:30-14:00H. Schumacher, G. Nehmiz (Boehringer Ingelheim): Missing values in clinical trials: Regulatory requirements and two examples[abstract] [slides]
14:00-14:30J. König (Universität des Saarlandes): Sensitivity of results and conclusions to the treatment of missing values in a non-randomised controlled surgical trial[abstract] [slides]
14:30-15:00T. Meyer (Universitätsklinik Lübeck): Missing data due to a "checklist effect"[abstract] [slides]
15:00-15:30J. Dreesman (Landesgesundheitsamt Hannover): Predicting missing forest inventory data on a lattice using the stochastic EM-algorithm and spatially varying coefficients[abstract] [slides]
15:30-16:00G. Nehmiz (Boehringer Ingelheim): Discussion: The problem of missing values - under- or overestimated? Some theses.[slides]