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Gemeinsamer Workshop der IBS-DR Arbeitsgruppen Ökologie und Umwelt, Bayes-Methodik und Räumliche Statistik zusammen mit der Sektion Forstliche Biometrie und Informatik im Deutschen Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten (DVFFA)

Freising, November 6-8, 2013

(Hanskarl-Goettling-Saal, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft LWF)


[view all abstracts]


Wednesday, November 6, 2013:

13:15A. Finley (Michigan State University): Tutorial on univariate and multivariate spatio-temporal modeling (I)
15:00C. Staubach: Bayesian modeling of factors potentially influencing the distribution of Echinococcus Multilocularis in foxes
15:30T. Waldhoer: On the combination of difference and equivalence tests in spatial maps
16:00T. Waldhoer: Relevance of the type-III error in epidemiological maps
16:30J. Vogt: The importance of conspecific facilitation in promoting recruitment and regeneration: a case study from degraded mangrove forests


Thurday, November 7, 2013:

08:30A. Finley (Michigan State University): Tutorial on univariate and multivariate spatio-temporal modeling (II)
10:00M. Zucknick: Risk-prediction modelling in cancer with multiple genomic data sets: a Bayesian variable selection approach
11:00G. Nehmiz: Introduction to Bayesian non-parametric survival analysis
11:30T. Welchowski: Identification of tolerance limits of forest tree species based on species occurrences and binary quantile regression
12:00P. Biber: Beziehungen zwischen Substrat, Oberflächeneigenschaften und Vegetation in einem künstlichen Wassereinzugsgebiet
13:30P. Beckschäfer: Using RapidEye imagery and the RandomForest algorithm for spatial modelling of leaf area index values - methodological considerations and a case study from tropical China
14:00S. Schoneberg: Extension of k-most similar neighbours methods by local polynomial regression
14:30P. Mundhenk: Model uncertainty in ALS-assisted forest inventories
15:30A. Finley (Michigan State University): Tutorial on univariate and multivariate spatio-temporal modeling (III)


Friday, November 8, 2013:

08:30A. Finley (Michigan State University): Tutorial on univariate and multivariate spatio-temporal modeling (IV)
10:30S. Brandl: A site index model for Norway spruce in Bavaria
11:00H. Latifi: A naïve Bayes model to describe natural forest ground vegetation by waveform LiDAR
11:30J. Breidenbach: Estimating mean timber volume on stand level using unit-level and area-level small area estimators
12:00A. Berger: European Forestry Dynamics Model (EFDM)