Your Path: Arbeitsgruppen / Bayes-Methodik / Workshops / 2016 Mainz



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Workshop "Errors in Variables"

Workshop of the working group Bayes Methods of the International Biometric Society, German Region (IBS-DR)

Mainz, December 2, 2016

(Universität Mainz, Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik, Obere Zahlbacher Straße 69, Gebäude 902, Sitzungssaal Raum 101)


[Program (PDF)]


09:00-09:05J. König, R. Vonthein: Welcome / Opening
09:05-11:05*S. Muff (University of Zürich): Errors and uncertainty in variables - when to worry and when to Bayes?[abstract] [slides]
11:05-11:25Coffee break
11:25-12:05*J. Rathjens (TU Dortmund): Smoothing applications for irregular time series with measurement errors[abstract] [slides]
12:05-12:45*D. Djeudeu (TU Dortmund): Depressive symptoms and urban residential greenness: Effects of measurement errors of the mean normalised difference vegetation (NDVI) on its association with depressive symptoms in spatial regression[abstract] [slides]
12:45-13:15Lunch break
13:15-13:45Business meeting WG Bayes Methods
13:45-14:25*B. K. Günhan (University Medical Center Göttingen): Network meta-analysis using integrated nested Laplace approximations[abstract] [slides]
14:25-15:05*C. Röver (University Medical Center Göttingen): Effect and shrinkage estimation in meta-analyses of two studies[abstract] [slides]
15:05-15:35Coffee break
15:35-16:15*G. Nehmiz (Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, Biberach): A Bayes view on Simpson's paradox[abstract] [slides]
16:15-16:20G. Nehmiz, J. König: Closing

 * given times include discussion