Your Path: Arbeitsgruppen / Bayes-Methodik / Workshops / 2017 Hannover



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Workshop "Bayesian methods in distance sampling and spatial models in ecological, environmental or epidemiological research"

Joint workshop of the IBS-DR working groups Ecology and Environment, Bayes Methods and Spatial Statistics as well as the DVFFA working group Biometry.

Hannover, December 7-8, 2017

(Niedersächsisches Landesgesundheitsamt (NLGA), Roesebeckstraße 4-6, 30449 Hannover)


Call for papers and registration information


Program (PDF)


Thursday, December 7, 2017:

12:45-13:00Begrüßung / opening
13:00-14:30Stephen Buckland, Cornelia Oedekoven (St. Andrews): Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models (tutorial, part 1)[slides]
14:30-14:50Kaffeepause / coffee break
14:50-15:20Ursula Garczarek (Cytel): Flexibility of the Bayesian logistic regression model in dose-escalation studies[slides]
15:20-15:50Ursula Garczarek (Cytel): Demonstration of EAST software[EAST (Cytel)]
15:50-16:10Kaffeepause / coffee break
16:10-17:40Stephen Buckland, Cornelia Oedekoven (St. Andrews): Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models (tutorial, part 2)

course material: [pt. 1], [pt. 2]

17:40-18:10Geschäftssitzung AG Ökologie und Umwelt
18:10-18:30Geschäftssitzung AG Bayes-Methodik
18:45Informal get-together and dinner (Bootshaus 84, Roesebeckstraße 1, 30449 Hannover)


Friday, December 8, 2017:

08:40-09:00Geschäftssitzung AG Räumliche Statistik
09:00-10:30Stephen Buckland, Cornelia Oedekoven (St. Andrews): Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models (tutorial, part 3)
10:30-11:00Kaffeepause / coffee break
11:00-11:30D. Djeudeu, S. Moebus, K.-H. Jöckel, K. Ickstadt (TU Dortmund): Spatial and temporal variation in the Heinz Nixdorf Recall Study and their effects on the risk of depression at the district level[slides]
11:30-12:00K.-F. Albrecht, S. Mißbach: Empirischer Gültigkeitstest eines standortunabhängigen Wachstumsprinzips beim Wachstum von Baumhöhen und Bestandeshöhen
12:00-13:00Mittagspause / lunch break
13:00-14:30Stephen Buckland, Cornelia Oedekoven (St. Andrews): Bayesian methods for hierarchical distance sampling models (tutorial, part 4)
14:30-14:45Verabschiedung / farewell