Your Path: Arbeitsgruppen / Bayes-Methodik / Workshops / 2017 Ulm



  • Das nächste planmäßige e-Rundschreiben erscheint im April 2025

Two-day course on Bayesian Clinical Trials

Joint workshop of Ulm University, Institute of Statistics, and the working groups Bayes Methods and Pharmaceutical Research of the International Biometric Society, German Region (IBS-DR)

Ulm, October 4-5, 2017

(Ulm University, Senatssaal, Helmholtzstrasse 16)


Outline: This workshop will provide an introduction to the application of Bayesian methods in clinical trials. Topics like Bayesian meta-analysis, prior derivation, hierarchical models and probability of success will be discussed.

Presenters: Dr. Simon Wandel (Novartis) & Dr. Beat Neuenschwander (Novartis)

Program: see [linked PDF]

Registration: Registration to the workshop is free and subject to places available. Dearline for registration is Juli 31. Notification of acceptance will be sent around after the deadline. For registration please fill out the linked form and send it via e-mail to Mrs. Melanie Grimm (

Venue & accommodation: The workshop will take place at Ulm University (main campus). Further details will be distributed in due time.

Contact: For further information please contact Dr. Frank Fleischer ( or Prof. Dr. Jan Beyersmann (