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Workshop on Computational Models in Biology and Medicine 2017


Joint workshop of the GMDS/IBS-DR working groups "Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics" and "Mathematical Models in Medicine and Biology"

March 2nd-3rd, 2017, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany

Workshop outline

This workshop intends to bring together researchers from different research areas such as bioinformatics, biostatistics and systems biology, who are interested in modelling and analysis of biological systems or in the development of statistical methods with applications in biology and medicine. A flyer of this workshop is available here.

Keynote speakers


Thursday, March 2, 2017

12:45-13:00 Workshop Opening

Session 1 (Chair: Klaus Jung)
13:00-13:25 Julia Perera-Bel
How to report somatic variants in molecular tumor boards
13:25-13:50 Jochen Kruppa
The kmerPyramid as visualization tool for k-mer distributions in viruses and bacteria
13:50-14:15 Benjamin Engelhardt
A Bayesian approach for estimating hidden variables in ODE based models in systems biology
14:15-14:40 Florian Stuhler
Computational modeling reveals mechanisms of action of Bcl2-inhibitors in the development of novel anti-cancer drugs

14:40-16:00 Coffee break & poster session

Session 2 (Chair: Markus Scholz)
16:00-16:45 Keynote 1 Vanessa Didelez
Challenges for Mendelian randomisation analyses
16:45-17:10 Marco Grzegorczyk
Bayesian inference of semi-mechanistic network models
17:10-17:35 Manuel Nietert
Track descriptors - automated characterization of cell tracks
17:35-18:00 Marvin Böttcher
Modeling chronic myeloid leukemica emergence and treatment

19:30 Social event at the restaurant Meiers Lebenslust

Friday, March 3, 2017

Session 3 (Chair: Holger Fröhlich)
08:30-09:15 Keynote 2 Korbinian Strimmer
An entropy approach for integrative genomics and network modeling
09:15-09:40 Ashar Ahmad
Towards Clinically More Relevant Dissection of Patient Heterogeneity via Survival based Bayesian Clustering
09:40-10:05 Simon Klau
priorityLASSO: a hierarchical method for patient outcome prediction based on multi-omics data taking practitioners' preferences into account
10:05-10:30 Michael Seifert
Importance of rare gene copy number alterations for personalized tumor characterization and survival analysis

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

Session 4 (Chair: Ingmar Glauche)
11:00-11:45 Keynote 3 Arne Traulsen
Telomere distributions as a window into stem cell dynamics
11:45-12:10 Matthias Horn
A single-cell based model explains patterns of clonal evolution in primary and relapsed follicular lymphoma
12:10-12:35 Yuri Kheifez
Modeling individual time courses of thrombopoiesis during multi-cyclic chemotherapy
12:35-13:00 Michael Altenbuchinger
Reference point insensitive molecular data analysis

13:00-13:10 Workshop closing


Abstracts of talks and posters can be downloaded here.

Registration and submission of abstracts

Registration to the workshop is free as long as places are available.
Registration is closed now. The deadline for registration and abstract submission was January 29th, 2017.

Workshop venue

The workshop will be hosted in the lecture hall "Bayerhörsaal" at the clinical center "Klinikum am Bünteweg" of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Bünteweg 9, 30559 Hannover. The lecture hall is easily accessible by public transport. For details, please check the University's web page.


The workshop is jointly organized by the GMDS/IBS working groups "Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics" (Klaus Jung, University of Veterinay Medicine Hannover; Holger Fröhlich, University of Bonn) and "Mathematical Models in Medicine and Biology" (Markus Scholz, University of Leipzig; Ingmar Glauche, University of Dresden).

Contact and local organization

Prof. Dr. Klaus Jung
Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Bünteweg 17p, 30559 Hannover, Germany
Tel.: +49 511 953-8878

Dr. Jochen Kruppa
Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Bünteweg 17p, 30559 Hannover, Germany
Tel.: +49 511 953 8869


The workshop is funded by the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (GMDS)" and the "Deutsche Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft (IBS-DR)".

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