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Education for Statistics in Practice


For many years the members of the German Region of the Biometric Society have been actively developing and implementing novel statistical methods. Such developments go hand-in-hand with increasing recognition of the importance of continuing education, or life-long learning, for researchers at all stages of their career. At the annual meeting of the society, methodological developments are regularly presented. To further strengthen the educational work of our society, it was decided to start a series of lectures called Education for Statistics in Practice.

This series is aimed at researchers who are interested in the application of sophisticated statistical techniques to real data. To reach our intended audience it was decided to integrate the series into the main programme of the Society’s annual meeting. The format is designed to give an expert the opportunity to present a practical overview of a topic that is directly relevant for practicing researchers in a half-day lecture. State of the art statistical techniques and software will be discussed; issues that arise when using these in practice will be addressed.

The series was initiated in 2010 by Willi Sauerbrei (Freiburg).
It is currently organized by Willi Sauerbrei, Thomas Schmelzer (Berlin) and Theresa Keller (Berlin).




Bei der fünften Konferenz des Central European Network CEN-IBS 2023 in Basel wurde die Reihe „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ mit Tim P. Morris und Brennan C.Kahan (MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL) fortgesetzt.

Thema der Session: "Simulation studies as a tool to assess and compare
the properties of statistical methods – an overview

Der Abstract so wie die Vortragsfolien sind verfügbar.



Bei der sechsten Tagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Statistik (DAGStat) 2022 in Hamburg wurde die Reihe „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ mit Richard D. Riley (Centre for Prognosis Research, School of Medicine, Keele University) und Gary S. Collins (Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford) fortgesetzt.

Thema der Session: "Prognosis Research in Healthcare: initiatives to improve methodology standards".

Der Abstract so wie die Vortragsfolien für die Einführung, Teil 2, Teil 3 und Teil 4 sind verfügbar.




Beim virtuellen 67. Biometrischen Kolloquium 2021 wurde die Reihe „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ mit Maarten van Smeden (University of Utrecht, Netherlands) und Ben Van Calster (Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands) fortgesetzt.

Thema der Session: "Development and evaluation of prediction models:
pitfalls and solutions
Abstract so wie die Vortragsfolien für Teil 1 und Teil 2 der Session sind verfügbar.


Die geplante Veranstaltung der Reihe „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ beim 66. Biometrischen Kolloquium 2020 im Rahmen der GMDS & CEN-IBS 2020 in Berlin wurde auf das 67. Biometrische Kolloquium in Münster verschoben.



Beim 65. Biometrische Kolloquium während der DAGStat Tagung 2019 in München wurde die Reihe „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ mit Vanessa Didelez (BIPS, Bremen) und Johan Stehen (Ghent University,  Belgium) fortgesetzt.
Thema der Session: „Assessing direct and indirect effects - from structural equation models to causal mediation analysis“.

Die Vortragsfolien sind hier verfügbar: Teil1, Teil2.


Beim 64. Biometrisches Kolloquium in Frankfurt wurde die Reihe „Education for Statistics in Practice“ veranstaltet von der AG Weiterbildung fortgeführt. Hein Putter (Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands) hielt eine 4stündige Session zum Thema „Dynamic prediction in survival analysis“. 



Die Reihe „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ wird bei der CEN-Tagung 2017 in Wien weitergeführt. Pamela Shaw (University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, USA) und Ruth Keogh (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK) präsentieten eine Lecture zum Thema „Understanding and tackling measurement error: a whistle stop tour of modern practical methods“ (abstract und Vortragsfolien sind verfügbar).




Beim 62. Biometrisches Kolloquium während der DAGStat Tagung 2016 in Göttingen wurde die Reihe „Education for Statistics in Practice“ veranstaltet von der AG Weiterbildung fortgeführt. Georg Heinze und Daniela Dunkler (Medizinische Universität Wien) hielten eine sehr erfolgreiche 4stündige Session zum Thema „Variable selection for statistical models: a review and recommendations for the practicing statistician“ (Abstract und Vortragsfolien sind verfügbar).

Bei der IBC 2016 in Victoria/Canada hat die AG Weiterbildung die Session „Education for  Statistics in Practice“ mit Simon G. Thompson (University of Cambridge, UK) und Mark Simmonds (University of York, UK) zum Thema  „Meta-analysis of Individual Participant Data“ veranstaltet. Die Vortragsfolien stehen zu Verfügung: Teil 1, Teil 2, Teil 3, Teil 4.

Für „Education for Statistics in Practice“ beim Biometrischen Kolloquium im Frühjahr 2015 in Dortmund präsentierte Els Goetghebeur (Gent, Belgien): „Causal inference in practice - Me-thods for the construction and comparison of standardized risks to measure quality of care across centers”.


At the 60th Biometrisches Kolloquium 2014 in Bremen "Education for Statistics in Practice" was sucesfully continued with Geert Molenberghs (Belgium) on the topic "Longitudinal Data Analysis". Abstract and slides are available.


At the XXVIIth International Biometric Conference (IBC) in July 2014 in Florence, Italy we expanded the "Education for Statistics in Practice" series to this international conference. The session discusses the issues raised by missing data and practical approaches for analyzing the resulting partially observed data. It was lectured by James Carpenter and Rod Little. Abstract and slides are available.



At the 3rd joint Statistical Meeting DAGStat 2013 in Freiburg which includes the 59th ‘Biometrische Kolloquium’, the lecture on Statistics in Practice was given by Prof. Simon Thompson (Cambridge, UK). His topic was "Meta-analysis of individual participant data from observational studies" (abstract and lecture slides (4 parts, zipped)).



At the Berlin 2012 meeting (58. Biometrisches Kolloquium) Per Kragh Andersen (DK) presented the Analysis of survival data with the Cox model, and beyond. The abstract and his lecture slides are available.


The series was continued at the CEN meeting 2011 in Zurich, Swizerland (57. Biometrisches Kolloquium and ROeS Seminar) with Georgia Salanti (Greece) on the topic of Multiple-treatments Meta-analysis. The abstract as well as her slides are available.


The first session on "Education for Statistics in Practice" successfully took place at the DAGStat meeting in Dortmund in 2010.
James Carpenter (UK) spoke about the Handling of Missing Data in two 90 minute sessions.
His lecture slides are available: Part 1 and Part 2.