In their position as society members, the members of the German Region of the International Biometric Society perform tasks in various bodies, which also comprise members of other societies.
These are the current IBS-DR delegates:
IBS President
Pigeot, Bremen, 2024-2025
IBS Executive Board
Vonk, Berlin, 2023-2024
IBS Representative Council
Faldum, Münster, 2021-2025
Friede, Göttingen, 2021-2027
Kieser, Heidelberg, 2017-2025
Schmid, Düsseldorf, 2023-2027
IBS Committee on Communication
Keller, Berlin, 2024-2027
IBS Editorial Advisory Committee
Ickstadt, Dortmund, 2024-2027
IBS Education Committee
Roll, Berlin, 2024-2027
IBS Budget and Finance Committee
Vonthein, Lübeck, 2024-2027
IBS Biometrical Bulletin Correspondent
Vonthein, Lübeck
Commission Certificate Biometrics in Medicine (with GMDS)
Medical Biometry
Zapf, Hamburg (Chair)
Friede, Göttingen
Knoerzer, Grenzach
Schlattmann, Jena
Unnebrink, Ludwigshafen
Faldum, Münster (Deputy Chair)
Schlenk, Ulm
Mathematical Statistics
Boulesteix, München
Brannath, Bremen
Rahnenführer, Dortmund
Commission Certificate Epidemiology (with DGEpi, GMDS and DGSMP)
Hoyer, Bielefeld
Kuss, Düsseldorf
Boulesteix, München
Kopp-Schneider, Heidelberg
Boulesteix, München
Kopp-Schneider, Heidelberg
Neuhäuser, Koblenz
Jung, Hannover