Your Path: The Society / Membership




Electronic newsletters are published on a regular basis. Please note that they are only available in German.


Membership details

The Region is composed of regular members, retired regular members, institutional members, supporting members, as well as student members and honorary members.

As a member you receive electronic access to the scientific journal of the society "Biometrics", you get access to electronic editions of "Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Ecological Statistics" (JABES) and "Biometrical Journal", you are eligible to receive JABES in print at a reduced price, you are granted a reduced participation fee for the Biometric Colloquium that is held by the German Region each year (including the possibility to report on your scientific and practice-related biometric experience at the colloquium), you can work in various scientific working groups according to your professional focus, and you may have expert discussion with colleagues.

  1. Individuals may become full members. Regular members are granted full voting rights for all general votes of the Region or the Society, respectively. They may be elected into each function of the Region or the Society. They are granted the right to participate in all general conferences of the Region or the Society, respectively. Subject to the payment of the membership fee, you receive online access to the journal "Biometrics" which is published by the Society.
    Regular members may become senior retiree members and pay half the annual fee.
  2. Students of state-recognized universities may request a student membership in accordance with the procedure applying to full members. Student members are entitled to participate in all general conferences of the Region or the Society. They are not allowed to exercise any function in the Region of the Society.
  3. Members of the International Biometric Society, who are interested in the work and the aims of the German Region, may become supporting members. They are not granted an active or passive right to vote at the general meeting of members and the elections for the executive and advisory board and they do not get Biometrics or JABES through the German region, but are granted electronic access to the Biometrical Journal besindes receiving newsletters and paying reduced fees at Biometric Colloquia. They pay a nominal fee.


Starting 2023, the following membership fees apply:

annual fee € 105, protective fee € 15, i.e.,

  • regular member: € 95.00
  • regular member retired: € 47.50
  • student member: free of charge
  • supporting member: € 15.00 nominal fee.


If you would like to apply for the membership of the German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR), please send all three pages of the document

Application for membership (PDF file)

with forms filled in and with your original signature by mail to 

Office of the German Region:
Heike Krubert
c/o Department of Biometry,
Epidemiology and Information Processing
University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
Bünteweg 2
30559 Hannover, Germany
fax: +49 (0) 511 953-827951

or by e-mail to

Your address details are primarily used for correspondence as well as for sending the newsletters and the journal "Biometrics". By sending both completed forms you have become - in most cases - as a member of the Society.


Members that have not authorized us to debit their bank account, please make it easy for you and the Treasurer by using the SEPA-Mandate form.