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Electronic newsletters are published on a regular basis. Please note that they are only available in German.


November 18, 2024
Event: Online seminar "Seminars in Biostatistics". Talk by Prof. Dr. Beyersmann on "Multistate models: neither Kaplan-Meier nor competing risks, but, e.g., duration of response"
Location: online
Further Information: Newsletter registration (IBS members only)

November 21-22, 2024
Event: Workshop "Nicht Messbares und Nicht Sichtbares" of the working groups Statistische Methoden in der Medizin (IBS-DR), Statistische Methoden in der Epidemiologie (IBS-DR, DGEpi, DGSMP), Statistische Methodik in der klinischen Forschung (GMDS), Epidemiologische Methoden (DGEpi, GMDS, DGSMP) and Causal Inference (DGEpi).
Location: Online
Abstract deadline and registration: unitl 27.10 to
Further Information: Webseite

November 29, 2024
Event: Workshop "Drug development in rare diseases" of the Working Group Pharmazeutische Forschung.
Ort: München
Registration: until November 6 via
Further information: Program

December 5-6, 2024
Event: Workshop "Hierarchical Models in Preclinical Research" of the Working Groups Non-Clinical Statistics und Bayes Methods
Location: Göttingen and Online
Further Informationen: Call for Papers / First Announcement

December 8 - 13, 2024
Event: International Biometric Conference
Location: Atlanta (Georgia, USA)
Further Information: IBC2024 Website

January 20, 2025, 3-4 p.m.
Event: Online seminar "Seminars in Biostatistics". Talk by Prof. Dr. Anke Hüls on "How does air pollution affect our brain? The complex relationship between environmental, social and epigenetic factors"
Location: online
Further information: Newsletter registration (IBS members only)

February 20, 2025, 1-2 p.m.
Event: Online seminar "Seminars in Biostatistics". Talk by Prof. Dr. Annette Kopp-Schneider. Bayesian borrowing in clinical trials: a game changer for precision medicine?
Location: online
Further information: Newsletter registration (IBS members only)

February, 26 - 27, 2025
Event: Adaptive Designs and Multiple Testing Procedures Workshop
Location: Regensburg
Abstract Dedaline: November 3 vie the homepage.
Further Information: Homepage. There will also be a pre-workshop/short course on Bayesian Adaptive Trials from 24th-25th February 2025.

March 19 - 21, 2025
Event: 10th conference on "Survival Analysis for Junior Researchers"
Location: Bonn
Abstract Deadline: until 18.11.2024 via the Homepage
Further information:

March 24 - 28, 2025
Event: 71st Biometrical Colloquium within DAGStat Conference 2025 (Flyer)
Location: Berlin
Abstract Deadline: 2.12.2024 via the Conftool (will be available from 1.10.). ATTENTION: Submission for the Young Statistician Session will be about 2 weeks earlier!
Homepage with further information:

April 29 - May 1, 2025
Event: 7th International Conference "Methods for Evaluating Models, Tests and Biomarkers for Healthcare" (MEMTAB2025)
Location: Birmingham (UK)

June 2-5, 2025
Event: Sommer school "Longitudinal and Incomplete Data" with Geert Molenberghs and Anna Ivanova (beide Hasselt & Leuven). Registration is possible until Februar 1, 2025.
Location: Strobl am Wolfgangsee (A)
Further Information: Flyer

June 26 - 27, 2025
Event: Summer conference of the AG Landwirtschaftliches Versuchswesen at LTZ Augustenberg with the main topic: "From theory to reality: approaches for experimental systems with limited randomisation and repetition possibilities'.
Location: Karlsruhe
Further information: The working group's website

August 24 - 28, 2025
Event: 46th conferenz of the ISCB (International Society for Clinical Biostatistics)
Location: Basel (Switzerland)

September 14 - 18, 2025
Event: ROeS25 (conference of the Austro-Swiss Region der IBS)
Location: Graz (Austria)