Your Path: Termine / Biometrische Kolloquien / 70th Biometric Colloquium 2024 in Luebeck / Persenters Guide



  • Das nächste planmäßige e-Rundschreiben erscheint im April 2025

Guidance for Presenters

Session time

The time allocated for a presentation is 20 minutes including Q&A (approx. 3 to 5 minutes)

Presentation Format

  • Your presentation should be in a PowerPoint (pptx) or PDF file format.
  • No other formats (e.g. Excel, Word or Prezi) will be accepted.
  • Keynote will not be suported because it cannot be played back on a Windows PC.
  • Please export your presentation as MS Office 365, using filename extension ".pptx".
  • All presentations will be projected in 16:9 format landscape (not 4:3) using the provided PowerPoint or PDF file on a Windows machine.
  • All presentations must be in English followed by Q&A in English.
  • Clearly identify your presentation with your presentation date and name in the filename (example: 29FEB24_John_Doe.pptx)

Presentation Design Recommendations

  • Use high contrast colours
  • Light text on dark background or vice versa
  • Hyperlinks to external content such as websites cannot be supported

Submitting your presentation

Please submit your presentation within your conftool account no later than Sundy, 25th of February. We cannot accept USB sticks or files vie email at hte conference. If you want to update your presentation, you can upload a new file the same way the first one was uploaded, but no later than 25th of February.

At the conference

  • Speakers should arrive in the session room 10 minutes before the session is due to start. Please introduce yourself to the session chairs. Be aware of the time for your presentation
  • A technician will be present in each session room to assist speakers in accessing the respective presentations
  • All presentations will be controlled by the respective presenter from the lectern
  • A microphone will be used for all presentations
  • You will not be able to use a laser pointer since the conference is held hybrid and vitual attendees cannot see the laser pointer. If you need to point to anything in your presentation you have to use the pointer within PowerPoint or the computer's mouse in PDF files. Please get familiar with this before the conference.

Guidance for Posters

Poster session

We will have a session in which you can present your poster. This session starts with the 1-minute posterpresentations. Afterwards, please come to your poster so that the other conference participants can come to you and ask questions. The sessions takes place on Thursday immediately after the keynote and before the lunch break. The posters will be exhibited the whole conference. 

Poster Format

Size: A0 portrait

Printing: Note that there is no printing service at the conference and you will need to bring your printed poster with you.

Speed Session Presentation Format

  • Please submit your poster slide for the speed session within your conftool account no later than Sunday, 25th of February
  • Please provide only one slide (no exceptions) in PowerPoint (pptx) in 16:9 format
  • Keynote will not be supported because it cannot be played back on a Windows PC. Please export presentation as MS Office 265, using filename extension ".pptx"
  • We cannot accept any other slide format since we are combining all poster pitch slides into one presentations
  • Do not use any animations
  • The slide should include the following: poster title, author names, poster number and 3-4 headline messages to encurage attendees to visit your poster. You can also add your email address or LinkedIn so that attendees can contact you.
  • You will find the poster number in conftool at the end of the title of your submitted abstract (number between 01 and 22)
  • The slide must be in English
  • Clearly identify your slide with your name, and poster number in the filename (example: John_Smith_poster_number.pptx)
  • We cannot accept USB sticks or files via email at the conference

At the conference

  • Come to the poster walls on the first day of the conference and hang up your poster.
  • Please arrive at least 20 minutes before the poster session since the poster pitches are starting right after the keynote. Please introduce yourself to the session chairs and take a seat on the seat that is marked with you poster number.
  • When starting hte speed session after the keynote presentation, we will ask you to stand in line in front of the room for your poster pitch. The session will have a faster pace than other sessions. It is very important that you remember your poster number so that you are presenting the right slide.
  • If you do not submit a slide, you can't present you poster. Let us know if you do not want to submit a slide.
  • The presentation of the poster slides will be controlled by the session chair. You will not be able to use a laser pointer or any other pointers.
  • A microphone will be used for all presentations.
  • Remove your poster after the whole conference.

Guidance for Session Chairs

Before the conference

  • You will find the session you are assigned to in ConfTool. Please log in with your registration details to check them. You will see all speakers and abstracts of the assigned sessions in this overview. You can also check the conference program on the conference website.
  • Get in touch with your co-chair before or at the conference to discuss your roles. The email address of your co-chair is displayed in ConfTool under the abovestated option.
  • Each session has two chairs since all sessions are run in a hybrid format.
  • There will be a technical support person in each room who is available to answer technical questions. This support person can monitor the online chat or you can keep an eye on the chat. Please consult with the other chair and the support person.
  • You can reach out to the speakers in advance to ask if they want to suggest one or two questions for their presentation to help with preparing the Q&A

At the conference

  • Arrive at the room at least 10 minutes before the start of the session so that you can check with our technical support person for any issues or outstanding items.
  • Introduce yourself to the speakers and your co-chair. Make sure that they are all aware of the session flow, including the oreder in which the presentations take place.
  • Double-check with the speakers how questions are asked and answered in the session. in most cases, the Q&A will follow directly after the presentation. Each speaker has 20 minutes including Q&A. Invited and special sessions might have different rules.
  • Double-check with the speakers how they want to be reminded about timing during their talks. It is usually easiest to sit at the front and raise your hand to do this. Alternatively, we prepare two sheets of paper with a 1 and a 2 on them. Agree with your speakers in the rules before the session starts so that they know what to look out for.
  • Please make sure that mics are used by the speakers and the audience if available.
  • It might be necessary to repeat questions from the audience and from virtual participants if the room setup does not allow interaction. Our technical support team will inform you about the setup.

During the Session

  • Welcome everyone and repeat the name of the session in case somebody is in the wrong place.
  • Describe the structure of the sessions (presentations followed by Q&A, panel discussion, Q&A at the end, etc.) as needed
  • Mention the mic-setup for Q&A
  • Introduce the speakers (name and affiliation) before their presentation
  • Time the speakers to make sure that the session time is spent fairly. If needed, remind the speakers to finish if the get close to teh end of their allowed time.
  • Once the speakers have finished their talk, stand up and invite the audience to aks questions, if time allows. if the time slot for the presentation is exhausted (usually after 20 min), no further questions should be allowed. Liase with you co-chair or the support person regarding the virtual participants. If tehre aren't any questions ask one to start the discussion.
  • At the end of the session, thank all speakers and the audience.

