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Awarding guidelines for the Gustav Adolf Lienert Award

  1. The Gustav Adolf Lienert Award was initiated in order to award outstanding biometric papers/works published by scientists who are a member of the German Region of the International Biometric Society at the time of application and either not completed their doctorate or have completed their doctorate less than three years ago on October 31 of the year of application (the day of the viva counts). Other researchers who completed their PhD more than 3 years ago are expressly invited to apply, if their carreer in research had to proceed slower because of, e.g., raising kids or nursing elderly relatives. They are advised to indicate this in their CV. Applicants submit one accepted publication in an internationally reviewed journal. In the case of several authors, the own contribution shall be clearly marked as such in written form, confirmed by all other co-authors. At October 31 of the year of application, the respective work shall not be older than two years and may not be submitted twice. The essential evaluation criterion shall be the excellent scientific nature of the biometric work to be awarded. Further scientific achievements of the applicant shall be secondary aspects to be considered. No-one is honoured twice.
  2. Works that focus on the following are especially welcome: (i) Works developing new biometric methods motivated by a biometric problem. (ii) Works developing new biometric methods motivated by a specific biologic problem and illustrating the application. (iii) Works applying existing biometric methods in ingenious and innovative ways to a biologic problem; especially when the biometric methods have not been applied to the problem before. (iv) Works developing software that implements important biometric procedures and illustrating the application to relevant biological examples. A specific biological application of the biometric methods considered shall play a central role in all foci (ii) to (iv). Especially welcome are works that arose from close cooperation with scientists from a pertinent biological field of application of biometric methods (medicine, forestry, agronomy, ecology, genetics, life sciences in the broadest of senses).
  3. The applicants shall submit the respective paper/work as well as a short information of their scientific career as PDF files by e-mail. The e-mail answer sent by the President shall represent the receive confirmation of the application.
  4. The invitation to apply for the Gustav Adolf Lienert Award shall be published in the summer newsletter of the German Region of the International Biometric Society, in an electronic newsletter of the Society in September as well as on the websites of the Society.
  5. All applications submitted to the President by October 31 of the previous year shall be forwarded to the other committee members for a professional review in order to screen the applications for compliance with formal requirements, including the percentage of biometric aspects involved.
  6. The committee shall decide on which paper/work will be short-listed. These shall be subject to a minimum of one anonymous external expert report. Following the evaluation, the committee shall decide from a biometric perspective on which of the submitted papers/works are to be considered as highly qualifying for the Award. Based on this vote, the Advisory Board shall decide by the majority on which applicant will be invited as laureate. In general, up to two papers/works will be awarded. All applicants shall be informed on the intended award by February 15 of the respective year. At the same time, the designated laureates shall be informed about the lecture date.
  7. Any recourse to courts of law shall be excluded.
  8. The award ceremony (certificate, prize money amounting to € 500 for the first place and to € 300 for the second place), which is led by the President, shall take place at the general meeting during the chronologically successive Biometric Colloquium. Prior to the ceremony, the laureate shall give a generally 20 minute-long lecture within the framework of the plenary session "Nachwuchsförderpreise Biometrie 20xx"(young talent awards biometrics 20xx). This lecture shall comprise the essential findings of the work and shall be followed by a discussion. The IBS-DR shall reimburse the conference fee (incl. participation in the conference dinner) as well as travel expenses including accommodation for two nights.
  9. The laureates and the titles of the awarded work will be referred to in the annual reports and on the websites of the Society. All documents of the laureates and the awarding committee will be stored in the archives.