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Laureates of the Bernd Streitberg Award

Mareike Kohlmann for the work Classifying disease progression by longitudinal biomarkers in the absence of a goldstandard

Frank Schaarschmidt for the work Binomial group testing - design and analysis

Frederik Graw, Siegen, for the work Regressions-Modelle für kumulative Inzidenzfunktionen bei konkurrierenden Risiken über Pseudowerte.

Oliver Hädicke, Lübeck, for the work Kopplungsanalyse quantitativer Phänotypen mit dem Haseman-Elston Verfahren für den Fall der Rekrutierung über einen adulten Phänotyp

Andrea Riebler, Munich, for the work Bayesian Methods for Detecting Selection in the Genome

Carolin Strobl, Munich, for the work Bias in random forest variable importance measures: Illustrations, sources and a solution

Benjamin Hofner, Erlangen, for the work Variable Selection and Model Choice in Survival Models with Time-Varying Effects

Anna Rieger, Munich, for the work Random-Forest-Regression bei fehlenden Werten in den Einflussgrößen

Silke Szymczak, Lübeck, for the work Detecting SNP-expression associations: A comparison of mutual information and median test with standard statistical approaches

Stefanie Hieke, Freiburg, for her diploma thesis Simultaneous confidence bands for cumulative incidence functions

Esther Herberich, Munich, for her diploma thesis Niveau und Güte simultaner parametrischer Inferenzverfahren

Lisa Möst, Munich, for her bachelor thesis Prognostische Faktoren für Wildverbiss

Daniel Sabanés Bové, Zurich, for the work Bayesian fractional polynomials

Veronika Fensterer, Munich, for the work Statistical methods in niche modelling for the spatial prediction of forest tree species

Daniel Schwarz, Lübeck, for the work On Safari to Random Jungle: A fast implementation of Random Forests for high dimensional data

Dorothee Girbig, Lübeck, for the work A Dynamic Model of Circadian Temperature Rhythms and its Use in Drug Development Against Menopausal Hot Flushes

Salome Horsch
, Dortmund, for the work Schätzung von ROC-Kurven ohne Goldstandard

Sebastian Meyer, München, for the work Spatio-Temporal Infectious Disease Epidemiology Based on Point Processes

Anke Hüls, Dortmund, for the work Regressionsmodelle zur Beschreibung des Zusammenhangs des Auftretens von Resisten-zen gegen Antibiotika mit Haltungs-bedingungen in Betrieben der Schweinemast

Philipp Pallmann
, Hannover, for the work Two-sample tests and multiple contrast tests of several diversity indices

Britta Schulze-Waltrup, Dortmund, for the work Modelling time-varying effects in the Cox model for genomewide expression data

Marvin Wright, Lübeck, for the work Mehrfach zensierte ordinale Daten in der Zahnmedizin: Ein neues statistisches Modell

Anja Bertsche, Ulm, for the work The Predictive Distribution of the Residual Variability in the Linear Model for Clinical Cross-Over Trials

Tobias Mütze
, Göttingen, for the work Design and analysis of clinical non-inferiority trials with active and placebo control for count data

Tobias Bluhmki, Ulm, for the work Wild Bootstrapping Nelson-Aalen Estimates with Application in Health Ser-vices Research

Susanne Steinhauser, Freibrug, for the work Determining optimal cut-offs in meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies

Alexandra Bühler, Ulm, for the work A causal analysis of ventilator-associated Pneumonia in intensive care

Frank Weber, Dortmund, for the work Modellierung von rekurrenten Ereignissen in der Ereigniszeitanalyse am Beispiel einer Studie zum rezidivfreien Überleben von Harnblasenkrebspatienten

Regina Stegher, Ulm, for the work Joint modelling for left-truncated observational studies: unmeasured baseline covariates as a consequence of delayed study entry

Leonie Litzka, München, for the work Resampling-basierte Variablenselektion: Wahl der Subsampling-Ratio

Julian Fecker, Freiburg, for the work Correcting for the healthy candidate bias by using multistate models


Matthias Meller, Ulm, for the work Joint Modelling of Overall Survival and Progression Free Survival


Jasmin Rühl, Ulm, for the work Sample Size Calculation in Time-To-Event Trials with Non-Proportional Hazards Using GESTATE

Stefanie Krügel, München, for the work Statistical Approaches to Characterize and Compare Networks of Microbiome Data


Moritz Herrmann, München, for the work Large-Scale benchmark study of prediction methods using multi-omics data


Julia Duda, Dortmund, for the work Model Selection and Model Averaging of Dose-Response Gene Expression Data with MCP-Mod

Maren Hackenberg, Freiburg, for the work Temporal Dynamics in Generative Models

Anastasiia Holovchak, München, for the work Interne Validierung für deskriptives Clustering von Genexpressionsdaten

Saide Atmaca, Ulm, for the work Evaluation of misspecified linear regression models for subgroup analysis

Sabrina Schmitt, Sommerkahl, for the work Ereigniszeitanalyse mit konkurrierenden Risiken unter Berücksichtigung von Clusterstrukturen - Methodenvergleich anhand einer Simulationsstudie

Erik Samuel Knop, Dortmund, for the work Robust Confidence Intervals for Mixed Effects Meta-Regression with Interaction

Lasse Fischer, Bremen, for the work Online Multiple Testing with FWER control

Tim Mori, Göttingen, for the work Blinded sample Size reestimation in clinical trials with time-to-event outcomes based on flexible parametric models

Annika Swenne, Bremen, for the work Confounder Adjustment with Random Forests based on Local Residuals in Genetic Association Studies

Niklas Brunn, Freiburg, for the work Combining componentwise boosting with neural networks for structuring latent representations

Sonja Drescher, Berlin, for the work Evaluation of Index-based Response-adaptive Randomization Procedures in Clinical Trials