Liability for content
Despite a thorough review of the contents and the intention to allow for up-to-date, complete and correct content on our websites, we shall not assume any liability for all content.
As service provider, we are - in accordance with section 7 sub-section 1 TDG (German Teleservices Act) - responsible for our own content on our websites according to general legislation. This does not, however, involve any obligation to monitor transmitted or saved information by third parties (§§ 8-10 TDG).
As soon as statutory violations are recognized, we shall immediately remove the violating content. A liability to that effect shall only arise as of the date when we acquire knowledge of concrete statutory violations.
Liability for links
Our websites contain links to external web pages of third parties. We do not have any influence on the contents of these linked websites. At any time, the corresponding provider or operator shall be responsible for correct content so that we cannot assume any liability for such sites.
External websites have been checked for any potential infringement of the law at the time of linking. At time of linking, no infringement was recognizable. We cannot monitor all contents on websites linked to us without actual reference for any statutory violation. Should we become aware of an infringement of law, we shall remove the corresponding link immediately.
All content and work generated by the site owner and contained on these websites shall be protected by German copyright. All contributions of third parties shall be marked as such.
Independent of the medium used, editing, duplication, distribution and/or public reproduction of any kind shall represent a copyright infringement and shall remain subject to the written approval of the respective author or originator. Copies of these websites shall only be permitted for private use, expressly excluding any commercial purposes.
Data and privacy protection
We cannot guarantee the secure transfer of data via the Internet; in transferring data by e-mail, in particular, there is a risk of it being accessed by third parties.
If personal data are entered on our websites, the user shall declare that these data are given expressly on a voluntary basis. The use and payment of all offered services shall be permitted without specification of any personal data or under specification of anonymized data or an alias, given the fact that it is technically possible and reasonable.
The use of the addresses published in the imprint for marketing purposes by third parties shall not be allowed. The site owner shall reserve the explicit right to take legal action in the case of sent unsolicited promotional or informational materials.
Legal validity of this disclaimer
If any of the provisions or formulations in this disclaimer are or become invalid, this shall be without prejudice to the content and validity of the remaining provisions.
Source: anwalt-seiten.de
Further Declarations
Datenschutzerklärung (in German only).